Friday, April 25, 2008

Preliminary results to be revealed within 18 hours - MDP

According to Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) the preliminary results of the 2 party elections held today (presidential primary election and party chairpersonship election) will be released within 18 hours and final results will be made public within 14 days.

MDP had earlier revealed that 30,000 ballot papers have been printed. According to the party the number of eligible voters for the 2 elections are 20,958 and the number of valid proxy are 238. A total of 81 ballot boxes have been positioned in 80 islands.

“Ballot boxes will be positioned in 6 resorts , 3 industrial sites will also be provided with ballot boxes, 7 ballot boxes for Male’ residents,20 boxes will placed for islanders residing in Male’, total number of ballot boxes will be provided 117 and total number of ballots released so far is 8650” revealed MDP.

MDP informed that in Male’ ballot boxes will be positioned at Kalaafaanu School and that a box for each of the 4 wards of Male’ will placed at Kalaafaanu School. MDP further informed that a box for those members on Special Register of Male’ Municipality will also be placed at Kalaafaanu School in addition a box at Villingili and one box at Hulhumale’ is to be positioned.

According to Dr. Ibrahim Didi the election scheduled to commence at 1400 hours this afternoon would be held in a manner which would be open and transparent. He said the election held at a cost of Rf.400, 000 can challenge the national elections organized by the Elections Commissioner.

When asked by a member of press as to why names of deceased people are included in the eligible voter list, Dr. Didi replied that MDP cannot be blamed as these names were provided by the Commissioner. MDP also revealed that 135 reporters will act as observers. Further MDP informed that white ballot papers will be used for presidential primary elections and yellow will be for party chairperson.

Further MDP informed that white ballot papers will be used for presidential primary elections and yellow will be for party chairperson. MDP presidential primaries are contested by 3 candidates, namely party president Dr. Mohamed Munavvar , Ricco Moosa Manik MP for Laamu Atoll and former chairperson of the party Moahmed Nasheed (Anni). Party Chairpersonship is being contested by Maria Ahmed Didi and Bounty Nazim.

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