Friday, March 21, 2008

MDP to boycott elections

MDP Parliamentary Group last Thursday revealed that it will recommend to the party to boycott forthcoming presidential elections if the proposed amendments currently under considerations at the Majlis are endorsed. MDP Parliamentary Group revealed this at a news conference held last Thursday.

President of the MDP Parliamentary Group MP Hassan Afeef said that if the amendments are endorsed by the Majlis free and fair elections cannot be ensured. He said he was very concerned with the proposed amendments and if endorsed many civil servants can be politically influenced.

“If the amendments are endorsed more than 15,000 people will excluded from the Civil Service and will come under the direct influence of the government” said Afeef.

He said if the amendments are allowed to get through, Civil Service will be effectually without any powers and that many employees will come under the influence of President Gayoom. He said there was no sincerity in the proposed amendments.

“The idea is to influence atoll chiefs, islands chiefs and other senior atoll and island office officials to influence the presidential elections” said MP Afeef.

Male’ Member Mohamed Shihab speaking at the elections said the proposed amendments were designed to influence the elections and that if passed free and fair elections cannot be held. He said boycott of elections would be the best option.

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